
Store Bought Mama

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Dreams, Plans and Goals

What a difference a year can make! Thanks to the right people and mindset I’m in a much better place emotionally, mentally and even financially. It’s amazing the change that can come when you stop living and making choices based on fear vs hope. I’ve stopped asking myself “What if I fail?” Instead I’m asking “What if I succeed? What if I completely rock this? What’s the BEST that can happen?”


No, I haven’t found Jesus or anything like that, though he was a pretty cool socialist hippie and I’m happy to be celebrating his birth and the solstice soon; no it just finally sank in that I CAN DO ALL THE THINGS. Maybe not all at once, but I CAN DO THEM. Or at least I can try and if I fail, I’ll still be alright. I’ve been fired from jobs before. I’ve was homeless and living with my inlaws for two years. I moved across the country chasing a better life and the *only* times I’ve ever had regrets was when I didn’t try, when I let fear hold me back. 

With my nifty new job (I work at the bank now so Achievement Unlocked) and us paying off the car next month, saving money on our bills and part time hours at Griffin, I’m throwing money in the bank to take Ryan on vacation to Japan in November. That’s prime leaf colour season and not so hot and muggy so that’s better for our laid back plans of hiking, temple and museum visiting, and general relaxing. When we did the East Coast trip we spent literally half the time in the car, traveling from one province or place to another. This time I want to just focus on the Kyoto region and do some quiet activities. It’s going to cost a bundle but I really think we can do it. If you want to help out there’s always that donate button on the page somewhere. *wink*

Seriously though, thank you to everyone who’s left a positive comment here or on the Facebook Page and been with me the last 10 years or so I’ve been writing. Just keep putting one foot infront of the other and we’ll get where we’re going together. 

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